Unity Day
Unity Day
The purpose of Unity Day is to celebrate the differences that make us unique and contribute to what unifies us. Unity Day is the Monday of Thanksgiving week and all PTAs/PTSAs are encouraged to work with their school and community to promote this special day. Celebrate cultural differences through art, music, and performances.
Unity Day Ideas
- Multi-Cultural Meal – Have a meal and invite each family to bring a tradition family food. Plan to teach a game or dance unique to each culture represented.
- Multi-Cultural Panel Discussion – Give parents an opportunity to discuss their own school experiences and crease a venue for parents and teachers to share with each other their views and expectations regarding education.
- “We Are One” Poster – Create a “We Are One” poster using photos and construction paper. Have participants decorate the poster with photos of their friends or pictures of children of all races interacting together. Display the posters for all to see.
- Linking Hands – Using construction paper, have children draw outlines of their hands. To make a long chain, have the children do this multiple times. Cut the hands out of paper and glue them together to make a chain. Let the children decorate the hands with markers, stickers, and glitter. Hand the hands around a room or along a hallway.
- Unity Quilt – Students used squares of paper and wrote something unique about themselves. The squares were connected to make a quilt that was hung in the hallway with a banner, “Our School Has Unity Covered”. Watterson Elementary PTA