The Proudfoot Award

The Proudfoot Award

The Proudfoot Award, created in 1992, is sponsored by the Kentucky PTA and the Kentucky School Boards Association. Named after the late Dr. Warren H. Proudfoot, a member of the Rowan County Board of Education and past president of the Kentucky School Boards Association, the honoree is selected by the Kentucky PTA. The award is presented at the annual KSBA conference. Please consider nominating one of your deserving school board members for this recognition. This award application is due November 15th of each year.

Proudfoot Award Criteria

The Proudfoot Award for Outstanding School Board Member is presented annually to a Kentucky public school board member who has exhibited distinguished leadership and service to the community during their tenure on the local school board. Please consider the following criteria and guidelines:
1. Nominations may be made by an individual school board member, the board team, a superintendent of public schools, a school-based parent group or an individual parent.
2. Nominees must be at least in their fifth year of service as a member of a Kentucky Public School Board of Education.
3. Nominations may be based on significant contributions over a sustained period of time or for one outstanding contribution during the period of service. Nominees should be active advocates for public education and other learning advancement opportunities for all children within the community.
4. Materials and Correspondence supporting the nomination should include substantive information relative to the nominee and his/her specific contributions and service to the local community. Include a one-page endorsement from a school-based parent group (may be an individual member or the group in entirety). Also include information about service and contributions at the region, state and national levels. Nominations may not exceed six pages, including this form, one side only, double-spaced with type no smaller than 10 point.
5. The award will be presented at the KSBA annual convention. The nominator(s) of the award winner will be notified and asked to assist in ensuring the winner is present at the recognition ceremony.

Nomination Address Points

Important! Please be sure the following are addressed in your nomination:
As a school board member:
– Describe at least three ways the nominee has been an effective advocate for children and youth in the community.
– How has the nominee demonstrated understanding and support of both individual school needs and district-wide needs?
– How has the nominee demonstrated support for parent involvement in schools and/or collaboration with parent groups?
– How has the nominee been a leader and made clear their position on public education?

> Apply Here <

Outstanding Volunteer Award
Christa McAuliffe Rising Star Award