Local PTA/PTSA Bylaws Approval Process Bylaws determine the structure and provide specific regulations by which its affairs are governed and officers are elected. The bylaws define or explain the rules under which the PTA functions. They protect the group from error and guide it to efficient service. Approved bylaws must be on file in the Kentucky PTA office to maintain a “unit in good standing” status. All established PTAs and PTSAs must renew their bylaws every five years to remain a “unit in good standing.” The bylaws should be submitted to Kentucky PTA for approval prior to the renewal (expiration) date.
The local PTA/PTSA bylaws form should be completed using the information that was approved by your general membership.
Below are the three types of bylaws submissions available; all use the same bylaws form.
Types of Bylaws Submissions
- If your PTA/PTSA has been newly formed or re-formed and this is your first bylaws submission since that time, this submission would fall into the “New PTA/PTSA” category on the first page of the bylaws submission form.
- Bylaws Renewal
- If your PTA’s/PTSA’s bylaws are approaching the renewal (expiration) date, you should submit a bylaws renewal.
- Bylaws Amendment
- If your local PTA/PTSA would like to make a change to the existing bylaws prior to the renewal (expiration) date, you may submit an amendment.
An amendment is simply a change in the current bylaws, but will NOT affect the renewal date.
For example, your current bylaws have a renewal date of January 2019 and you submit an amendment to change your local dues amount from $5.00 to $5.50.
If the bylaws amendment is approved on 1/20/16, then the renewal date remains January 2019.
Preparations for the Approval Form
Below you will find explanations for every blank required for a PTA/PTSA to fill in for their Bylaws Approval Form.
If you require further assistance or cannot find your previous copies of the bylaws, please contact the office.
- PTA/PTSA Name: Your PTA/PTSA Name
- County: County of PTA/PTSA
- PTA District No.: Your PTA/PTSA District Number
- President’s Name:
- Home Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Cell, Email
- Type of Bylaws Submission: â–ˇ New PTA/PTSA â–ˇ Bylaws Renewal â–ˇ Bylaws Amendments (see above)
- Article I: Name
- Bylaws of the ___ Parent Teacher (Student) Association: Your PTA/PTSA Name
- The name of this association is ______: The name of your PTA/PTSA
- 1. ____PTA, Parent Teacher Association or 2. ____PTSA, Parent Teacher Student Association: (check #1 or #2): 1. PTA: elementary schools 2. PTSA: middle, junior high, and high schools (students can be paid members in PTSAs if they are at least in grade 6)
- of ________________, Kentucky, in _______________ County and ________district: City, County, District Number of your PTA/PTSA
- Article II: Purposes No Fill ins
- Article III: Basic Policies No Fill ins
- Article IV: Constituent Associations No Fill ins
- Article V: Dues
- #Section 7. Each member of this PTA/PTSA shall pay annual dues of $ ___________to the PTA/PTSA: This amount should be at least $5.00 in order to cover your costs. For each paid member, your PTA/PTSA will be required to send $2.25 for National PTA dues, $1.25 for Kentucky PTA dues, and between $0.10 and $0.25 for your district dues. To determine the appropriate district dues amount please see this table.
- Article VI: Officers – Elections and Vacancies
- Section 2: Officers and their election
- a. The officers of this PTA/PTSA sall consist of a president, ____ (number) vice president(s), a secretary, and a treasurer.: This should be an exact number and not a range. Most PTAs/PTSAs have between two and four vice presidents. Some examples include: Fundraising/Ways and Means, Communications, Programs, Volunteers, and Membership.
- b. Officers shall be elected by ballot in the month of ___: In what month will elections be held during a general membership meeting? This should be a specific month. Appropriate answers might include April, May, or June. Holding officer elections in the fall might be necessary for one-year schools. However, it is optimal to hold elections in the spring, giving newly elected officers the summer to plan for the upcoming year. This also allows outgoing officers to complete all necessary paperwork and documentation prior to the June 30 fiscal year-end.
- c. Officers, except the treasurer, shall assume their official duties following; 1. ____Close of the meeting in___________ (month) or, 2. ____ The beginning of the fiscal year July 1 (Check #1 or #2): If you select “close of meeting”, the month included in the space should be the same month during which elections are held. (see section 2b above)
- e. Officers shall serve for a term of _______ (number) year(s) or until their successors are elected. It is recommended that terms be one year or two years.
- f. A person shall not be eligible to serve more than _______ (number) consecutive terms in the same office. Consecutive terms should be two or three terms.
- Section 3: Nominating Committee
- a. The members of the nominating committee […] shall be elected by: 1. _____ Membership, or the 2. _____ PTA/PTSA Board. (Check #1 or #2:) The nominating committee will have the responsibility of nominate an eligible person to fill each officer position and report its nominees at the general PTA/PTSA membership meeting at least one month prior to the election meeting.
- b. There shall be a nominating committee composed of _____members (at least three (3) and always an uneven number)[…] The number of nominating committee members must be at least three, and must be an uneven number. The total number of nominating committee members should be three, five, or seven.
- e. The nominating committee shall nominate an eligible person […] in _____________ (month), at which time […]. This should be done in the month prior to elections being held. Suggested month choices include March, April, or May.
- Section 4 Vacancies: a. A vacancy occurring in […] the PTA/PTSA Board, ______ days’ notice […] This should be enough time for the majority of the board to make calendar adjustments, but short enough so that the vacancy may be filled in a timely manner. The suggested number of days should range between three and ten.
- Section 2: Officers and their election
- Article VII: Duties of Officers No Fill ins
- Article VIII: Executive Committee No Fill ins
- Article IX: PTA/PTSA Board
- Section 4: Meetings of the Board: d. Special meetings of the board […] the board ______ (number) days’ notice being given.: Again, this should be enough time for the majority of the board to make calendar adjustments. The suggested number of days should range between three and ten.
- Article X: Committees
- Section 3: Chairman shall serve for a term of _______ (number) year(s) or until their successors are elected. It is recommended that terms be one or two years.
- Section 4: A person shall not be eligible to serve more than _______ (number) consecutive terms in the same chairmanship. Consecutive terms should be two or three terms.
- Article XI: General Membership Meetings
- Section 1: a. At least ___ (number a minimum of 3) general membership meetings […] The minimum number of general membership meetings throughout the year is three. However, your PTA/PTSA can choose to hold more than three.
- Section 3: The election meeting shall be held in ___ (month). Should be the same month as Article VI, Section 2b.
- Section 6: ___ (Number) members (a minimum of 10 or more) shall constitute a quorum […] This is the minimum number of paid members you must have present at general meetings to conduct business. The lowest quorum number acceptable is ten. However, your PTA/PTSA can elect to have a higher number than that.
- Article XII: District Membership
- Section 1: The PTA/PTSA shall be represented in meetings of the _______ District PTA of the Kentucky PTA […] Same as District Number in Article I.
- Section 2: This PTA/PTSA shall pay annual dues of _______ per member to the district treasurer […] To determine the appropriate district dues amount please see this table.
- Article XIII: Fiscal Year No Fill ins
- Article XIV: Parliamentary Authority No Fill ins
- Article XV: SBDM Council Parent Representative Elections No Fill ins
- Article XVI: Kentucky PTA Positions No Fill ins
- Article XVII: Amendments No Fill ins
- Article XVIII: Additional Bylaws
- Include here or attached to this page: If your PTA/PTSA has any additional bylaws to include, this section is where to write them or attach to that page. If applicable.
- Signatures: ___ President, ___ Secretary, ___Date These officers must sign and date the document.
- NOTE: Bylaws must be submitted with a copy of the minutes reflecting that 30 days’ prior notice […] Remember to attach the copy of the minutes to the form.
- When your PTA/PTSA is ready to submit:
- If sending via USPS, send this form with:
- A. ____ 1 copy of the Bylaws Approval Form
- B. ____ 1 copy of the completed bylaws with two signatures on last page and date.
- C. ____ 1 copy of the minutes of the general membership meeting which states:
- 1) ____ 30 days’ prior notice of the meeting to approve bylaws was given to the general membership body
- 2) ____ A quorum was present at the meeting (this number is stated in your current bylaws)
- 3) ____ That a motion was made and approved by the general membership body
- Either by mail or electronically.
Bylaws Approval Form
Local PTA Bylaws Approval Form
Using Digital Signatures in the PTA Bylaws Template