Make Your PTA Virtual

Make Your PTA Virtual

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed how PTA/PTSAs communicate, grow and accomplish goals within their school communities. Many PTAs have successfully used web/app-based technology, software and resources to continue strong leadership and build and grow their PTA community.

National PTA applauds these efforts and has compiled resources to help you move your PTA into the virtual world. PTAs are needed now more than ever and the resources and tools on this webpage will help demonstrate your PTAs value and relevance and keep your PTA members—and mission partners—connected and focused on objectives central to the needs of the children, families and school you serve.

Get Great Examples from National PTA!

The Leadership Training You Need

Grow Your Membership, Virtually!

Online Programs, Made Easy

Family Engagement, Socially Distanced


SBDM Info from KDE

Unity Day
February 4, 2021-SB128