Kentucky PTA Resolutions
The following are Kentucky PTA Resolutions “still in force,” from resolutions adopted by delegates at Kentucky PTA conventions since 1983. “Still in force” means the resolution has not been rescinded by later convention delegates and the issue has not been adequately solved.
2009 Resolutions
- Resolved, That Kentucky PTA lobby for legislation to regulate marketing and labeling of energy drinks for children ages 18 and under, and to urge its constituent associations to work collaboratively together; and be it further
- Resolved, That Kentucky PTA work with health organizations to provide resources and educational programs for parents and schools; and be it further
- Resolved, That Kentucky PTA and local PTAs are encouraged to work with their districts and schools to educate them about the negative aspect of energy drinks and urge them to prohibit the sale of energy drinks and consider the restriction of their use on school campuses; and be it further
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA will encourage National PTA to work with legislators and health organizations to regulate marketing and labeling of energy drinks for ages 18 and under.
2005 Resolutions
Resolution on Booster Seat Law
- Resolved, That the Kentucky Parent Teacher Association educate its district PTAs and local PTAs/PTSAs on the importance of the booster seat law; and
- Resolved, That the Kentucky Parent Teacher Association encourage its districts and local units to develop programs that will educate their members and communities on the safety of a booster seat; and be it further
- Resolved, That the Kentucky Parent Teacher Association support legislation that would require children ages eight and under who weigh less than 80 pounds and are less than 57 inches tall be in a booster seat while in a car.
2001 Resolutions
Resolution on Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA encourages its local unit and districts to work with their local schools, school-based decision making councils, school districts and school boards to support and encourage regular parent/teacher conferences;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA support and encourage legislation, regulations and adequate funding to mandate a minimum of two (2) parent/teacher conferences per student per year;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA make this one of its legislative priorities;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA encourage the Kentucky Department of Education and other state education groups [Kentucky School Boards Association, Kentucky Association of School Administrators, Kentucky Education Association of School Councils, etc.] to join us in supporting and encouraging legislation, regulations and adequate funding for parent/teacher conferences.
1999 Resolutions
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA encourage state legislation and/or local ordinances to require cable and satellite media vendors to include in their monthly billing highly visible warning notices of adult only (currently rated “MA” programming) that is included in the service tier or package option of each customer.
1998 Resolutions
Resolution on Violence in Schools
- Resolved, That the delegates at the 1998 Kentucky PTA Annual Convention re-affirm their support of the following Kentucky and National PTA resolutions and position statements:
- 1990 National PTA Resolution on Violence in the Schools,
- 1990 National PTA Position Statement on Firearms,
- 1993 Kentucky PTA Resolution on Handgun Violence Prevention Education,
- 1994 National PTA Resolution on Sale, Resale and Destruction of Firearms,
- 1995 National PTA Resolution on Violence Prevention; and
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA inform its constituent bodies-local units, councils and districts-, Kentucky PTA legislative bodies and other Kentucky education organizations of this action.
1995 Resolutions
Resolution on Math, Science and Technology
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA and its constituent organizations encourage and support increasing the opportunities for students to participate in math, science and technology study programs in every school district;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA and its constituent bodies encourage and support legislation, regulations and adequate funding to maintain and further develop programs in mathematics, science and technology which will attract and stimulate students to participate in such programs.
Resolution on School Based Decision Making Councils
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA adopt the position that its constituent bodies and members contact their legislators to urge their support to expand parental and community involvement to include additional members of the elected council;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA contact the Kentucky Legislature asking them to expand KRS.160.345(2)A to read: “Except as provided in paragraph (b)2, of this subsection, each participating school shall form a school council composed of three (3) parents, one (1) community representative, three (3) teachers and the principal or administrators, etc…”;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA contact the appropriate education organizations to encourage support for our position. These organizations shall include, but are not limited to, the Kentucky School Boards Association, Kentucky Education Association, Kentucky School Administrators Assoc., Kentucky Association of School Superintendents and the Kentucky Department of Education;
- Resolved, That a high school representative be added to their high school council in non-voting capacity with speaking privileges.
1994 Resolutions
Resolution on Achieving Equity in Education Without Gender Bias
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA and its constituent bodies strongly encourage and support the use of curriculum and instructional materials without gender bias;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA and its constituent bodies encourage and support the use of successful women as role models in classrooms and the school, at all levels, i.e.; as speakers, for motivation and encouragement and as judges;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA and its constituent bodies encourage and support that women be considered for administrative positions in education without gender bias.
Resolution on Non-Public School Transportation Subsidy
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA and its constituent bodies remind members of the Kentucky General Assembly of their legal obligation and commitment to establish, fund and monitor a system of public education for all children;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA establish a coalition of groups/organizations that oppose the use of public funds for non-public schools;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA urge its constituent bodies, the Kentucky Department of Education and groups/organizations who oppose the use of public funds for non-public schools to work to stop all proposals to include funds for transportation to non-public schools in the Budget of the State of Kentucky.
1993 Resolutions
Resolution on Handgun Violence Prevention Education
- Resolved, That in an effort to reduce and eliminate the number of injuries and deaths caused by children and youth handling guns, the Kentucky PTA establish and observe annual “Handgun Violence Prevention Day” on Wednesday during Kentucky PTA “Safe Kids Week: (the first full week of May)
- Resolved, That local unit PTAs/PTSAs in conjunction with their local police departments, School Based Councils and other related community organizations be encouraged to develop a “Handgun Violence Prevention Education Program” similar to the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Program.
Resolution on Local School District Student check-out Policy
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA emphasize the importance of all local school districts to have an effective and enforced check-out policy for releasing students from school;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA urge all local school districts, the Kentucky Department of Education, the State Board for Elementary and Secondary Education, all local School Based Councils and all local unit PTA/PTSA to carefully examine and monitor policies for releasing students from school;
- Resolved, That copies of this resolution be distributed to all superintendents, principals, state education officials, and members of the Kentucky Education Coalition.
Resolution on Tobacco Products
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA and its constituent units, councils and districts work to educate parents, students and educators of the harmful effects of the use of all tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco.
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA and its constituent bodies educate its members and others regarding the health hazards of second-hand smoke;
- Resolved, That local units support parents, staff and students in their efforts to quit smoking.
1992 Resolutions
Resolution on School Food Nutrition: Sugar
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA emphasize the importance of nutrition education for all its members and encourage the adoption and implementation of comprehensive nutrition programs within Kentucky’s schools;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA urge all local school districts and the Kentucky Department of Education to carefully examine the nutritional value of foods served in public schools;
- Resolved, That this action include all foods served in schools-in cafeterias, in vending machines and in concession stands.
Resolution on Preschool PTAs
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA establish procedures for forming and supporting Preschool PTAs;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA urge all of its constituent organizations, its districts, councils and local units, to participate in the formation of Preschool PTAs or the expressed inclusion of preschool parents into established school PTAs.
Resolution on Kentucky PTA State Headquarters
- Resolved, That the delegates at the Kentucky PTA 72nd Annual Convention, April 22-24, 1992, Executive Inn Rivermont, Owensboro, Kentucky hereby ratify the action of the Kentucky PTA Board of Directors to purchase a building using the Building Fund principal as the down payment;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA re-establish its Building Fund drive to be used to raise funds to aid in the purchase and support of the Kentucky PTA State Office Building;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA President appoint at the 1992 Post-Convention Board of Directors’ meeting a committee charged with developing and implementing the Building Fund Drive.
1991 Resolutions
Resolution on the Exceptional Child
- Resolved, That all levels of Kentucky PTA – local, district and state – reaffirm its commitment to all children by integrating exceptional children in PTA programs, activities and pictures of children.
Resolution on Occupational and Physical Therapists
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA promote an awareness program throughout its own organization and ask for the cooperation of other educational groups; and be it further
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA ask the Commissioner of Education and the State Board for Elementary and Secondary Education and others who may have influence or interest to assist in this awareness program;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA urge the Council on Higher Education to encourage and approve increases in four (4) year occupational and physical therapists programs/students slots and establishment of two (2) year (associate) occupational therapists programs and increases in two (2) year (associate) physical therapists programs.
Resolution on Radon
- Resolved, That school officials and citizens of the Commonwealth be encouraged to test for radon in their schools and homes to reduce excessive radon levels;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky Congress of Parents and Teachers endorse and support the Kentucky Radon Program and its public awareness and education activities;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky Congress of Parents and Teachers participate in activities by promoting radon information to PTA members, teachers, children and citizens so that they can understand the health risks associated with radon and take preventive steps available to measure and economically reduce excessive radon levels.
1990 Resolutions
Resolution on Art Education
- Resolved, That Kentucky PTAs support and strive for improved art education programs; and be it further
- Resolved, That Kentucky PTAs encourage parents, teachers and school administrators to integrate quality arts education programs into the curriculum of Kentucky schools; and be it further
- Resolved, That hereafter, Kentucky PTAs welcome the opportunity to work in coordination with the Kentucky Department of Education and other state cultural art resource organizations to create an increased public awareness of participation in the arts.
Commercials in the Classroom
- Resolved, That the Kentucky Congress of Parents and Teachers oppose requiring that students watch television commercials as part of their daily classroom activity;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky Congress of Parents and Teachers shall cooperate with education related organizations and groups in opposing such programs and/or proposals;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky Congress of Parents and Teachers supports technological improvements to enhance non-commercial opportunities in the classrooms.
1989 Resolutions
Resolution on School Bus Safety
- Resolved, That the Board of Education and local officials of all levels be encouraged to enforce the existing regulations and laws;
- Resolved, That all PTAs be encouraged to help and assist their local school districts in the enforcement of these regulations and in the training of bus drivers and students in safety procedures and regulations;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA Board of Directors urge the districts, councils and local units to develop programs that will educate their members and communities on school bus safety procedures.
1987 Resolutions
Resolution for Gifted Children
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA support and now actively promote Minimum Foundation Program funding for gifted education, and cooperate with other organizations with similar objectives to achieve this goal.
Resolution on School Facilities Construction Commission
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA support higher, continued funding for the School Facilities Construction Commission and the Capital Outlay Program.
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA encourage all local units, districts, councils and related education organizations to influence their legislators to support continuation of, and increased funds for, the School Facilities Construction Commission and Capital Outlay Program.
1986 Resolutions
Resolution on School Bus Safety [Revised-1990]
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA encourage the enforcement of State Board of Education School Bus Safety Regulations;
- Resolved, That all local school PTAs, councils and districts be encouraged to monitor school buses and report any evidence of overcrowding to the proper local authorities;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA and its local PTAs work to enact legislation to mandate school bus safety by compliance with individual school bus seating capacity quotas to reduce overcrowding;
- Resolved, That if the overcrowding is not remedied within a reasonable time that the proper state authorities be notified.
1985 Resolutions
Resolution on School Leadership
- Resolved, That the Kentucky Congress of Parents and Teachers support programs that will promote effective local school education and administrative leadership.
Resolution on Air Conditioning [Revised-1990]
- Resolved, That all newly constructed schools and all existing school buildings in this Commonwealth shall include central air conditioning and proper heating to be funded by the Kentucky Legislature;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA encourage and support the funding of proper heating and air conditioning by the Kentucky Legislature.
Resolution on Drop-Out Prevention
- Resolved, That the Kentucky Congress of Parents and Teachers will actively work with parents and schools to promote drop-out awareness and prevention programs;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky Congress of Parents and Teachers will strongly support the funding, implementation and enforcement of statewide drop-out prevention and incentive programs that encourage students to stay in school until age 18 or until graduation.
Resolution on Media Violence
- Resolved, That the Kentucky Congress of Parents and Teachers supports and encourages local units to make parents and/or guardians aware of the influence on children and youth, when permitted to view motion pictures, TV programs and listen to records and tapes and read literature that produces violence, and sexual exploitation;
- Resolved, That the Kentucky PTA assist local units with proper ways to establish contact with those parents, companies or organizations that produce and/or sponsor this violence, drug abuse and sexual exploitation.
Resolution on Call Back Programs
- Resolved, That Kentucky Congress of Parents and Teachers support a call-back program that can be utilized by all schools;
- Resolved, That Kentucky Congress of Parents and Teachers encourage all schools to participate in the call-back program and the sign-out identification procedure.
1983 Resolutions
Resolution on Asbestos in Schools
- Resolved, That the PTA take a leading role to make the public award of this health hazard through programs;
- Resolved, That the PTA encourage and promote the removal of hazardous asbestos found in the schools by working for the necessary legislation to make this become a reality;
- Resolved, That PTAs work in conjunction with and support of the school officials to implore them to take immediate action to remove such hazards from our school systems thereby placing our children and youth in schools of an “asbestos-free” environment and therefore free from an imminent health hazard.
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